Several weeks ago, I was given the opportunity to try the Graze snack box subscription after a deal came across Groupon that was just too tempting to resist.. I’ve always been a fan of subscription services, (we know this!), and currently have them for everything from makeup, skin and hair products (Birchbox and Ipsy), to blouses (Elizabeth & Clarke), and of course my beloved Rent the Runway unlimited membership, among others.. But the idea of food being shipped to me didn’t really strike as something I “needed.” Well, now, that’s all changed, because I feel like I can’t get enough of these boxes!
Here’s the deal.. You go to their website,, and chose from several options, like strictly sweet or savory or a mix of everything, a 4 or 8 pack.. You can even go more in depth and choose which snacks, amongst over a hundred choices, that you would like or would not care to receive (all nutritional and allergy info is listed). I prefer to be surprised, so I just let it ride with whatever they had in store for me. You also select the frequency at which you’d like the boxes delivered.
My first box did take a few weeks to arrive, but I feel that’s normal with any subscription service, until they get you in the loop. Here’s what I got my first time around:
They come stashed in these cute, themed boxes, and are in little packs that you can just grab and go. I’ve yet to find one that requires a spoon or fork, but you may need a napkin. In this box:
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Dippers with Oat & Spelt with Berry Compote – I found the compote to be a bit on the sweet side, but it definitely worked in place of the dessert I was considering the night I had it.
Chai Latte dried fruit & nut mix – this one was really good and gave me a nice boost before doing my vinyasa yoga class.
Thai Sweet Chili Bites – definitely my favorite from this pack, the sweet and salty and savory balanced so nicely and was only 80 calories!
Southern BBQ Pistachios – these were also really yummy and I was surprised by how much flavor they got into the shell, a nice smokey bbq flavor.
I didn’t change any preferences after I finished this box because everything was great!
Two weeks later, I received this box filled with:
Tutti Frutti mix– a blend of dried fruit which I enjoyed on my lunch break at work when I was having one of my frequent sweet cravings. I love that all of the fruit is still soft and chewy and tastes very fresh.
Honeycomb Flapjack – this one I definitely wanted to eat on a day I knew I’d be getting in a workout, because at 240 cals, it’s one of the more caloric options available. The taste was insanely good, but could have just as easily been had in place of dessert.
Fruity Mango Chutney – now, this is surely a personal preference, but I HATE cumin with such a passion, I actually spit this out, not knowing that cumin was one of the ingredients. Some may love it, but I quickly removed it from my options online.
Chili & Honey Almonds – OMG, are these things addictive. I will say that with almost all of the Graze boxes I’ve tried, I don’t feel left wanting after I’ve finished the pack, with the exception of these guys.. I could have had like 2 cups of these. So good.
After this box, I decided to up my frequency to every week, because it really was saving me time and money if I had not planned ahead from not going to the vending machine to buy some crappy processed food with no health benefits that had been sitting there for months. I can just throw the whole box in my work bag and decide which snack I’ll have based on what kind of food I’m feeling and how many calories I’ve allotted for the day.
It did take another two weeks to get my next box, adjustment time which I was fine with, and here’s what I got:
Aren’t the boxes just the cutest!
Herby Bread Basket – I was surprised to like this one as much as I did, even with the pronounced herb flavor staying with me longer than I would have preferred haha! It was a great savory crunchy mix.
Popping Corn – Lightly Salted – the flavor of this wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, but definitely included enough popcorn (along with some blackberries and a yogurt I’d left in the work fridge) to help me through a day of forgetting to bring my lunch!
Beach Bum Mix – another great combo of dried fruit, soft and wonderful.
Caramel Apple (dried apples and caramel dipping sauce) – this one again I felt was just a touch too sweet with the caramel, but you get just the right amount of it to avoid that sugar rush.
A few things to note about Graze…
The expiration dates can vary. They’re listed on the booklet that comes in each box, along with the nutrition facts and ingredients for each snack. I’ve seen them vary from several months to just a few weeks, so definitely something to stay on top of if you’re not planning on eating the goodies right away like I do.
Another thing I wanted to mention is that I only eat these as a part of an estimated 1,400 calorie, relatively healthy and fresh meal plan. I’m not advocating eating all of your food out of pre-packaged pouches (the horror!), but these are convenient, inexpensive, and generally health-conscious snacks to supplement a balanced diet. I strive for a 350 calorie breakfast, 400 calorie lunch and dinner, and 200 calories of snacks. I bump that up a bit when I know I’m going to be exercising that day, so I have enough energy for my workout.
I’ve recently upgraded to the 8-snack box option, but reduced frequency to every other week, so essentially the same amount of goods, but I will get them all at the same time so I’ll have more to choose from. This option is $11.99, and the 4-snack option is $6.99, with shipping included.
All in all, I highly recommend Graze and will continue to purchase it until I get bored, although with all of the options, I’m not sure when that will ever happen! If you use the code ZVXGLZT6P at sign up, you will receive your first and fifth box on me free of charge, and can cancel the subscription at any time! I do get $1 off my box for referrals (disclaimer) but I would be recommending this service regardless, because I think it’s pretty awesome.
I hope you all enjoy!