Hello, loves!
Such a fun shoot this was… My lovely photographer and I snuck away for a few moments to the orange groves on a quite beautiful day. We were in the area visiting our friend Sarah at her monthly pop-up vintage shop, held at the Redlands Country Mart. The first Saturday of each month, the parking lot is turned in to a curated flea market of sorts, with local vendors offering up all of their hand-picked finds. There is everything from decanters to fedoras to beaded sweaters and all at amazing prices. I love going to support her and check out all of the new things she’s accumulated!
It really gives me a sense of pride to be in the company of some outstanding entrepreneurial ladies. Some of my best friends are doing incredible things and I’m happy to be a part of that ride and boost them up however I can. Sarah, besides being a great photographer, has started Geaux Vintage, a primarily online-based curated shop of her finds. Holli, my partner in crime and one of the most talented people with a camera EVER, has left her office job to pursue photography full-time. She also has a new product line in the works, showcasing some of her best shots. Barbara is training to become a yoga instructor and also sells oils to her friends in need (love me some doTerra!). I have many friends who are nurses, which I of course don’t need to emphasize how valuable they all are! Nursing is something I could definitely never do myself, and I think it’s unbelievable the things they get put through and still go in to work with smiles on their faces, (I’m talking to you, Clare, April, Merisa!). I have friends who are pursing a career in the arts, like Bonnie who has been doing amazing work in the voiceover and acting realm. My friends in the blogging community are striving to reach their goals, and it’s genuinely fun to build each other up.
My grandfather told my mother something years ago, and she passed the saying on to me, but I never really considered taking it to heart until the past couple of years. The line is, “Surround yourself with balcony people, not basement people.” This has nothing to do with any kind of demographic, but more so that you want to be in the company of people doing good, for themselves, and for others. I’ve been in dark places in my life before, as cliché as that sounds, but now realize as an adult that friendships and other relationships matter so much for my own mental health. When I was hanging with the crew that wanted to sit around the pool and drink all day (I’m talking every day), I wasn’t doing anything good for myself and none of us were pursuing anything except a pot belly and a hangover. Growing up (finally) has me considering the lovely things in every relationship that I have, and weeding out the people who are not meant to be a part of my growth. I have to say, it feels GOOD to know that I have a choice.
I’d love to know, how do you build up and support the ladies in your life?
I had to throw in this last shot of me being surprised by Holli and laughing. Such a fun day.
Blouse / Daniel Rainn at Nordstrom Rack // Pants / Stitch Fix // Necklace / Rocksbox (use code kristinbff320 for your first month free) // Bag / Lulu Guinness for JcPenney (old, linked similar) // Ring / Luv AJ from the Box of Style // Booties / thrifted/vintage // Sunnies / EyeBuyDirect
Shot by Holli Z Photography.
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