This post is sponsored by Lugz and the InfluenceHer Collective. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make Dressed for Time possible!
Hello, babes!
Happy almost Christmas! I know I’m not the only one to say how crazy it is that the year is almost over.. It feels like my birthday was last week, and that summer was a couple months ago. The truth is, we have almost 5 months of winter left in Chicago, and I started to prep for it way late in the game. A little further down, I’ll share more about my look and my cute new boots, but first, I wanted to chat about some quick and easy, (not to mention cheap!), ways to destress right now.
Tip 1-
Breathe. Wow, groundbreaking, I know, but taking some time to breathe deeply and slowly in and out through your nose has such a calming effect. It can help you focus and get centered, also release stress and squash nerves. I also like to use apps for guided breathing techniques. My favorite is called Insight Timer. It has lots of free options so you can find a voice that resonates with you, or use one of the self-guided sessions. I also LOVE listening to any of the water noises, (pouring rain, crashing waves, a mountain stream), when trying to get to sleep.
Tip 2-
Speaking of… As much of a challenge as it seems, SCHEDULE sleep! Set a cut-off time on your calendar, not just the intention, to actually carve out the time you need. Personally, I need 8-9 hours if I want to be fully functional the next day, so I add it in. That way, if an event might run late, or I start to get caught up with work, I have that reminder telling me I need to cut it short so I can be my most effective. If you’re worried about not getting it all done, manage your time to focus on what’s truly important and what needs to get done on a daily basis, the rest will get done in time.
Tip 3-
Perform random acts of kindness. And then keep them to yourself. I do a bit of an eye roll when people perform altruistic acts, then go on social media to blast it to their following/friends. Encouraging others to do good things is awesome, but it feels better, at least for me, to just know that I’ve done good things without the possibility of a virtual pat on the back from others. That being said, here are some things you can do! Pay for the coffee for the person behind you in line. Send hand-written cards. Get the door for someone. Compliment a stranger. Thank cashiers and servers for working on the holiday. Give someone that gift card you have that’s been gathering dust.
Tip 4-
Write it out. Keep a personal journal to take note of how you’re feeling. Regardless of if you ever re-read the notes, it always helps me to de-stress and get everything that’s on my mind down on paper.
Tip 5-
Turn on some music! I will ask Alexa to play something upbeat, or throw on one of my Spotify playlists of tried-and-true mood boosters, but I also like to branch out and try something I haven’t given much thought to. I never realized I might like a little country, until a friend turned me on to Maren Morris. I also think listening to classical music, which I hated as a child, is so soothing now! I’ll be in my kitchen, stressing over what to make for dinner and how I’m going to get all my Poshmark packages ready before the mailman comes… I ask Alexa to “play classical music” and for some reason, it has a calming effect and allows me to focus and get shit done!
Do you have any de-stressing tips to share? Leave them in the comments, let’s help each other out!
Now, on to this super cozy outfit I’m wearing…
I’ll start from the bottom up! I had been looking for a new pair of winter boots I could wear everywhere, especially in inclement weather. Enter this versatile pair from Lugz at DSW! They’re called the Tambora and mine are in the shade Chocolate (which totally fits this rich color!), and they also come in a lighter brown and black. They’re lined with plush faux fur, which makes them very comfortable and warm, not to mention, I love the detailing at the fold-down collar.
I went pretty minimal, pairing them with jeans, a perfect white T, a shawl collared cardigan, layered necklaces, and my fuzziest glittens. Side note, I didn’t even know glittens (gloves & mittens) were a thing, but recently grabbed these at a pop-up in town. Can you tell I’m big on texture in the cold months?

I honestly loved these tips so much. I’ve been super overwhelmed this holiday season, because as much of a planner as I am, I totally overdid it with my schedule. But I’ve been taking time to meditate and breathe as often as I can, and I’m working super hard to get good sleep!
All of these tips are so great! I sometimes feel really stressed during the holiday season but these will help with my schedule!!
cute & little
Sleep is so important and not everyone gets enough. I have to have 8 hours or I’m a zombie.
These are such great tips! As much as I love this time of year it can definitely be stressful. Thank you for sharing!
These winter boots are so cute! And thank you for sharing your de stressing tips!